Friday, May 8, 2015

1. What was your favorite part of the topic you chose? Getting to make a song and share it with the class :)
2. What was your least favorite part of the topic you chose? Staying up till 1 am to make the songs. 
3. What do you like best about Genius Hour research? Learning about different ways to make a track sound different with effects.
4. What do you like least about Genius Hour research? To be honest, I didn't have any dislikes here... :P
5. What was the most important thing you learned about yourself, how you learn, or research in general as a result of this work? I learned that it doesn't just stop here. To be noticed and to grow an audience, you constantly have to make tracks. I'm up for that challenge. :)

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Time for Piano Lessons... Uh Oh...

SOOOOOO... I didn't at all know that when producing music the primary instrument you'll be playing is piano. So here's another update in this creative process.

In my moments of researching, I noticed that to add your part to the music your making, it's mainly, but not always, spoken through the instrument of the piano. Luckily I've started playing since I was 7, but I drifted away, but I'm back and ready to attack. (lol that rhymed :D) 

I've included some footage of me back on the instrument that stole my heart at such a young age.
I was just doodling around with some basics on the piano. And, of course, got a little carried away... but... Enjoy :D

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

This is one Heck of a Ride... ;)

Here's a quick update on my Music Production Journey. It was actually harder than I thought, but I'm sooo in love with having to struggle to make something good.(I don't know why, just am) I believe the videos I've included will speak way louder to show the progress being made~ Enjoy ;)  
(Please disregard all background noise, my Family was just being something else....jk)

In the beginning process, it took about 2 weeks to come up with this song, but i noticed it doesn't just stop there. I recently learned that every song needs to have a little fine "adjuments" to
get the real perfection to make it sound great.

Once I'm done with this mini song, I plan to compare it too a song I made in 8th grade.
I plan to see the parts I've grown a lot in, and see the parts that I need to start working on.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Could there ever Be a Limit for Capturing the Meaning Music?

Could there ever Be a Limit for Capturing the Meaning Music?

Something about creating music is something that always intrigued me, which was a journey that I embarked on last year. It was just recently that I finished building a home studio, and getting to set motion in being and learning how music production works is super exciting.      Now some are probably wondering,  "What got you into learning this?" Well, I've been curious, not only how big time artists make the tracks, but also how is so much emotion caught behind makeing a track/song. The one thing that I was excited to find out about music production is that no one can teach where and how to make a song. Its always the person behind the keyboard makeing things happen.      I know there will be bumps and a few stops along the way, but I know it's all a part of the journey, and it's what makes things better. I'm excited to see what turns out on this and can't wait to share it out.